23 Feb 2020 Person of the Month: Mary Worsham

City: Searcy.
Work: RN in the Critical Care Unit at Unity Health White County Medical Center, 35 years.
Why did you decide on a healthcare career: I initially wanted to go into law because it always interested me, however my mother wanted me to look into nursing as a career. I took a position in the hospital as a nursing assistant after graduating high school. I enjoyed learning and seeing how the patients responded to the care delivered so I decided to go to the local vocational school for my LPN.
Church activities: Member of the Bethlehem Women’s Ministry and Usher Department.
Family: Husband Jerry Worsham; son Jerry Mellon and daughter-in-law Tabetha Mellon; granddaughters Adalynn and Hailey Mellon; daughter Alexis Worsham; stepdaughter Tarhondra Worsham; grandsons Osie, Adrain, Travis and Deonte Worsham.
Education: Augusta High School (Woodruff County); LPN at Foothills Vocational Technical School; RN at Northwest Arkansas Community College; BSN at Arkansas Tech University; and MSN at Walden University.
Most cherished possession: Pictures of my children when they were small.
Most enjoyed weekend activity: Resting and reading for pleasure.
Favorite place in Arkansas: Searcy.
What do you love about living in the 501: The people.