31 Mar 2024 Person of the Month: Kevin Lawson

Hometown: I live in Houston (Perry County).
Family: I have been married 25 years to my wife, Rena. We have two children together. Lillie Payne is married to Dillon and they just welcomed our granddaughter, Cassi Sue. Zack Lawson is married to Macey. My stepson, Josh Dixon, is married to Dana, and they have two awesome twin girls, Avery and Hayden, who are 9.
Education: I attended the University of Arkansas and earned a Bachelor of Science in agronomy in 1995. I achieved a Master of Science in agricultural, food and life sciences in 2005. I am currently enrolled in my second semester at the University of Arkansas working on my Ph.D.
Church activities: I am a member of Houston Baptist Church.
Why are you passionate about Arkansas agriculture: Agriculture is in my blood from my family. My grandfather, Ward Lawson, farmed rice and soybeans along with cattle and hay in Perry County. My dad, John Lawson, custom baled hay and had cattle, and my brother and nephew have a sod business. I worked for my dad growing up and fell in love with agriculture and farming. While in high school, I was part of FFA and enjoyed doing the soil judging contest. We went to the state contest at the U of A in Fayetteville and I knew that is where I wanted to go to further my education. Once I graduated and started working with Arkansas farmers, my passion just got that much stronger. Our farmers work so hard to feed the American people that I want to do everything I can to support them and help them do better.
Professional accomplishments: In May, I will mark 28 years of service. In 2017, I was presented with the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. But I must say my greatest accomplishment is when someone calls me that I haven’t met before and tells me that I helped their neighbor with a problem.
My main goal is to help the producers of Faulkner County using research-based information. Our job is to take the research and extend it to the citizens and producers in the state.
I am just a part of what Extension offers. We have an agriculture agent who works with horticulture. We have a 4-H agent who works with youth. Our Family and Consumer Science agent works with families on things like financial management, nutrition and life skills. I would also like to share that part of our funding from Faulkner County comes through a voluntary tax. We appreciate any support the citizens of Faulkner County give us through that tax.
The Arkansas River Valley Small Ruminant Conference at Arkansas Tech on April 13, The North Central Small Ruminant Meeting in Damascus on April 19, and a Pesticide Applicator Training for producers who want to obtain their private applicator’s license on May 14. Our annual 4-H Farm Roundup will be April 23 and 24 at the Conway Expo Center.