27 Aug 2018 Person of the Month: Faye Shepherd
City: Conway.
Work: Juvenile justice specialist at the Administrative Office of the Courts. I will be traveling throughout the state, trying to start assessments Faulkner County has been using (reducing recidivism) and working to help juvenile courts create programs for court-involved kids.
Community activities: Member of Conway Morning Rotary (past president), League of Women Voters Conway, Arkansas Juvenile Officers Association, University of Central Arkansas Service Learning Committee and Supreme Court Unlicensed Practice of Law Committee.
Church activities: First United Methodist Church/Conway; church and society committee and a church lay leader.
Family: Husband, Gordon Shepherd; daughter, Jodi Whitehurst; son, Jay Harris; and five grandchildren ranging in age from 10 months to 20 years.
Education: Bachelor’s degree from State College of Arkansas (now UCA) and work toward a master’s at UCA; other degrees and certificates from UALR and ASU.
Favorite book: “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah.
Most cherished possession: Poetry written by my husband and anything handwritten from my kids or grandkids.

Most enjoyed weekend activity: Toss up – kayaking on Beaverfork Lake or walking the Tucker Creek Trail.
No. 1 vacation spot: If it has sun, sand and surf, it’s a favorite!
Favorite place in Arkansas: Eureka Springs, particularly in the fall.
What do you love about living in the 501: Hands down, the people. There is no place on earth that is more welcoming and affirming. I love the feel of PLACE that is woven into all our stories.