Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony

The Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum invites the community to the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 7. The ceremony will be held at 120 Riverfront Park Drive, North Little Rock. Thanks to the efforts of many and the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, a piece of the USS Arizona’s hull will be unveiled and dedicated. 

Photo By Thegeoffphillips

On December 7, 1941, the USS Arizona battleship (BB-39) was hit by Japanese bombers during the attack on Pearl Harbor. After one of their bombs detonated, she sank with the loss of 1,177 officers and crewmen. The wreck still lies at the bottom of Pearl Harbor beneath the USS Arizona Memorial. During the ceremony, a plaque will be dedicated in honor of the 53 Arkansans that paid the ultimate sacrifice during the attack. The plaque will be mounted in the Crew’s Mess of the Hoga tugboat (YT-146). 

In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to The River House at 140 Riverfront Park Drive. The Museum and the Hoga Tugboat will be open for complimentary self-guided tours until 2 p.m. Visit to learn more about the museum.

For questions about the event, contact Camille Smith, director of special events: 501.371.8320 or