29 Sep 2024 Pawsitively good news
I met the most delightful lady while working on this issue. Marian Berry, pictured above with “Stan the Man” as she affectionately calls him, has volunteered for more than a decade with the TAILS program at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. She shares her time and her calm, loving dog with children, parents and staff to bring the feeling of home to a place of uncertainty. Golden Retrievers are just traveling hugs waiting to happen! Stan is one of 20 dogs who give and receive love at the hospital, which has a reputation for great excellence and caring.

This issue is dedicated to the topics “Health and Wellness,” which are at the forefront of our minds during these stressful times. So, we tucked several stress-relieving prescriptions into this magazine. First, a Licensed Professional Counselor writes an article that includes several tips that will lower your stress level.
Next, Karl Lenser teaches us to play pickleball. The excitement surrounding this game is contagious, and I love that it’s a sport that adults and kiddos of all ages can play together. The expense of getting started is minimal, and players will receive a good workout, fresh air and time spent with others.
October is a time that we focus on several important causes, including Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP). My family has been touched by both issues, and we highlight ways our readers can take care of themselves and support hurting community members. DVP safe houses are quietly tucked into neighborhoods around the 501, and they need our support.
Another concern we address is hunger. Fortunately, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission; the Arkansas Food Bank and many other organizations extend relief to Arkansans, and we share information about upcoming food giveaways.
We all know that the key to health and wellness is multifaceted. A balanced life includes taking care of your body, your soul and your relationships. We’re also healthiest when we give something of ourselves to others through friendship, helpful tasks or monetary donations.
Let’s learn from Stan the Man. Never stop playing, wag more and bark less, be loyal, live in the present, love unconditionally and take naps when needed!
Stefanie Brazile