25 Apr 2022 Patrom promoted to VP of marketing
First Service Bank has promoted Jon Patrom to vice president of marketing.
“Jon’s commitment to the team is extraordinary, always putting First Service’s best interest in the forefront, making us shine! He has been an integral part of the bank’s growth and success over the years.” said Robin Hackett, chief operations officer at First Service Bank.

Patrom has 22 years in banking, the last 17 at First Service Bank where he has worked as retail sales officer and marketing director.
“It has been a great organization to work for,” Patrom said. “I’m proud to work for a business that places emphasis on service to the customer. The customer is always first and this is the focus from the top.”
Patrom said it is important to him to work for a business that has a positive impact on the community. “We love the communities we serve,” he said. “Our Operation Red, White and Brave foundation is just one way that First Service Bank focuses on taking care of its communities. The foundation helps veterans in need, seeking to give back to those who have given so much. I would say our goal is to leave each day better than we found it, always moving forward for the good.”
The bank’s commitment to local communities is a reflection of the leadership of Tom Grumbles, president and chief executive officer, according to Patrom. “He and his family are always willing to take care of the First Service team and are willing to go above and beyond.”
Born in Conway, Patrom grew up in Wooster and attended Greenbrier schools. He is a 1997 graduate of Greenbrier High School. He earned a bachelor of arts in business administration/marketing from the University of Central Arkansas. Among his community activities, he is a member of the 501 LIFE Editorial Board.
Patrom and his wife, Katie, live in Greenbrier with their son, Duncan. They are members of Springhill Baptist Church.
“I am excited about the opportunities ahead,” he said. “It is an honor to be part of this team.”