01 Nov 2017 National Black Marathoners plans Nov. 11 workshop in LR
In an effort to increase ethnic minority running, officials with the National Black Marathoners Association (NBMA) recently announced a workshop at 8 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, in Little Rock, aimed at organizing ethnic running/walking clubs in Arkansas. The goal is to establish running or walking clubs in various faith-based organizations or ethnic minority communities.
“Ethnic minorities represent almost one-third of the U.S. population, but less than 10 percent of core runners,” said Tony Reed, executive director of NBMA. “At the same time, ethnic minorities are more likely to suffer from the preventable diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.”
The workshop will be held at Centre at University Park, 6401 W. 12th St. in Little Rock.
For more information on the NBMA workshop, please go to eventbrite.com/e/organizing-an-ethnic-minority-runningwalking-club-workshop-tickets-38746248071.
In this workshop, participants will learn about the:
- Economic impact of fitness
- History of running and running organizations in the African-American community
- Debunking the myths about African-Americans and running
- Selecting a running group structure – formal clubs to informal social media groups
- Retaining runners and walkers
“These workshops will demonstrate how ethnic minorities can start and maintain running and walking programs to lower their healthcare expenses while improving their financial situation,” Reed said.
The National Black Marathoners’ Association (NBMA) is the largest nonprofit organization in the U.S. dedicated to encouraging Black Americans and others to pursue a healthy lifestyle through distance running and walking. It is open to everyone, regardless of his or her athletic ability or previous marathon experience. For more information, visit blackmarathoners.org.