‘My Life’: Poster, essay and video contest planned

Electricity powers our lives. We rely on it 24 hours a day, seven days a week to support the life we enjoy. Conway Corp has been powering our community since 1929, and we’re proud to provide dependable and reliable services to our friends and neighbors. 

Consider a chargeable gadget like a cell phone, the clock radio that jolts you awake or the TV that brings you the latest entertainment. The water heater that keeps your shower hot and the refrigerator that keeps your soft drinks cold. The automatic sprinkler system that keeps your lawn green and the toaster that turns your bread a crisp, golden brown. The washing machine that sends you off in clean clothes and the automatic garage door that welcomes you safely home – it’s all powered by Conway Corp. 

What powers your day? Students – show us how Conway Corp powers your life by entering the Seventh Annual Conway Corp Energy Smart Poster, Essay & Video Contest.

The poster contest is open to students in PreK-fourth grade in Conway. Using markers, crayons, colored pencils or paints, posters should illustrate the contest theme, “My Life, Powered by Conway Corp.” 

Conway Corp Public Relations/Production Specialist Jeff Matthews with first place art winner Hayes McClurkin from Marguerite Vann Elementary.

Entries will be judged on creativity and theme representation. Prizes will be awarded to students, and the classroom of the overall winner will be awarded $100 in that student’s name along with a Conway Corp pizza party. 

The essay and video contest is open to students in fifth-12th grade in Conway. Students should submit a typed essay of 500-1,000 words or a digital video between 30 seconds and two minutes on the contest theme, “My Life, Powered by Conway Corp. 

Essays will be judged on content and syntax. Videos will be judged on creativity and production. Cash prizes will be awarded to winners in two age categories: fifth-seventh and eighth-12th grades. 

All winning submissions will be featured on Conway Corp’s website and social media. Winning essays will be printed in 501 LIFE in the August edition. 

Students PreK-12th grade who live in the Conway Corp service area are eligible to enter. Ask school officials for an official entry form and contest rules or visit conwaycorp.com/EnergySmartContest. 

Poster and essay entries should be submitted to participating teachers or postmarked to Conway Corp, P.O. Box 99, Conway AR 72033 by Sunday, April 19. Essay entries can be shared via Google Docs or emailed to marketing@myconwaycorp.tv. Video entries must be shared via Google Docs. A scanned copy of the entry form plus contact information must accompany all electronic submissions. Please put “2020 Energy Smart Contest” in the subject line. 

For more information about the contest including entry forms and complete rules, visit ConwayCorp.com/EnergySmart or call 501.450.6000.  

Beth Jimmerson
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