13 Aug 2014 More than 200 participate in Conway Kids' Triathlon
The 17th annual First Security Conway Kids’ Triathlon drew more than 200 young people at a new venue.
“We had 261 kids register for our event this year with 243 crossing the finish line,” said race director Shannon Milam.
Held previously at the University of Central Arkansas, this year’s event moved to Hendrix College.
“Our new venue worked extremely well and everyone loved it!” Milam said. “We had beautiful weather too!”
The Conway event is one of the country’s premier youth triathlons for all kids, not just kids who participate in triathlons.
Triathlons are events involving three sports – swimming, biking and running; and while the health benefits of participating are obvious, the self-confidence that comes from being involved in an endurance event is just as important.
The Conway Kids’ Triathlon is an event for all abilities. Ages 6 to 10 complete a 50-yard swim, two-mile bike and half-mile run. Ages 11-15 complete a 100-yard swim, four-mile bike and mile run.
Milam was appreciative of the support of sponsors and volunteers. “We had 100-plus volunteers help make our event safe and successful,” Milam said. “Our incredible sponsors help make this event happen! Our top sponsors include First Security (title sponsor), The Ride (presenting sponsor) and Central Events (gold sponsor).”
This year’s triathlon benefitted Soul Food Café Mission.
Visit conwaykidstri.com for more information.