23 May 2015 Mission trip to Honduras
A group from Clinton took 501 LIFE along on a mission trip to Honduras.
“Mission Brigade One” included a team of 28 to Carbonal, Honduras, located in the south central part of the country. Team members provided medical, dental, optical, pharmacy and spiritual aid to 1,236 patients in the small village. The team also distributed 235 pairs of glasses and cared for 143 with dental services.
The team represents several different churches in the Clinton area that go to Honduras each year. Members led 17 church services with 56 salvations and 19 re-dedications and gave out 900 Bibles.
“It was a good week and God brought many blessings to us as we were able to bring some medical help to the wonderful people as well as spread the gospel,” said Al Richardson. “We love the kids. They are so loving and open to be with us, no hang-ups, just pure affection and joy.”
Mission Brigade Two took a team of 22 who spent the week working in a medical clinic at the Honduran mission compound in El Plan, in North Honduras.
“We had 1,224 medical patients, 364 dental, 24 church services with 51 salvations and 19 re-dedications, 1,400 Bibles distributed, 143 glasses and 4,949 scripts from pharmacy,” Al wrote.
This is the group’s first year of service with representatives from different churches in the Clinton area, but the main sponsor is Fairfield Bay Baptist Church.