08 Nov 2021 Miss Arkansas State Fair winner

LITTLE ROCK — Kory Jennings, 18, was crowned Miss Arkansas State Fair on Oct. 23 before a capacity crowd at Arkansas Hall on the State Fairgrounds.
Jennings, the daughter of Cory and Sherri Jennings, is a 2021 Honor Graduate of Cabot High School. She attends Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia where she is pursuing a pre-health degree.
Other winners include:
1st RUNNER UP: Gracie Williams, Paragould, AR (Miss North Central Arkansas Regional)
2nd RUNNER UP: Kennedy Holland, Mountain View, AR, (Miss Stone County)
3rd RUNNER UP: CariAnne Kelly, Sheridan, AR (Miss Grant County)
4th RUNNER UP: Elizabeth Durning, Ozark, AR (Miss Franklin County)
OUTSTANDING INTERVIEW AWARD: Kory Jennings, Magnolia (Miss Columbia County)