Men of the Moment 2024: Raven Fuller Sr.

As the old saying goes, if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. With a compassionate heart, Raven Fuller Sr. has enjoyed changing lives in the 501 for 17 years.

“Becoming a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and working with individuals with intellectual disabilities was one of the easiest and most fulfilling decisions I’ve made,” Fuller said. “I’ve always had the desire to help others and this career path allowed me to achieve that goal.”

His interactions with residents at Conway Human Development Center (CHDC) inspire him daily.

“At CHDC, our goal is to assist our residents in maximizing their capabilities and achieve the best quality of life,” Fuller said. “They’re the real reason I love my job. To see how small things bring so much joy to their lives allows me to appreciate and value the small things in my life.”

While working in the healthcare industry has its challenges, he takes pride in having a supportive team beside him.

“Working in the health industry routinely brings challenging circumstances,” Fuller said. “Making it through the pandemic and pushing forward to perform my best to ensure the residents I serve receive the best care possible would not be possible without our amazing staff at CHDC and my leader, Sarah Murphy. She is always there to uplift and support me with any decision I make.”

His advice for young men is to live fearlessly while caring for those that matter the most. “Make every decision with good intentions,” Fuller said. “Learn to be comfortable even when situations seem uncomfortable, balance family and work and always put God first.”

No matter where his journey takes him, he gives thanks to those who have helped him grow along the way.

“Other than God, my mother, Paula Bell, is the reason I am who I am today,” Fuller said. “She showed me how to work hard and be resilient to achieve my goals. She has always been my biggest fan and supporter. There is nothing I can do or say to thank her enough.”

Contact Raven today at 501.329.6851, ext. 218 or email [email protected].