Mayflower United Methodist Women hold spring bazaar

The Mayflower United Methodist Women will hold its spring bazaar at 7 a.m. Saturday, April 13, at the church, located at Miller and Grove (Highway 89 South) next door to the Baptist church and in front of the Mayflower Elementary School.  

“We will be offering assorted baked goods and fresh breads as well as home preserved pickles, jams and jellies,” said organizer Valerie Hohenberger. “We will also have the ever popular fried pies! These always are a sellout, so come early to get your favorite flavor.”  

According to Valerie, the event will have the usual treasures including working televisions and housewares. “We also will hold a raffle for a beautiful handmade quilt, provided by one of our members, Cheryl Brannon. The quilt is queen sized and features the pattern ‘Flying Geese’ on its top!”

The quilt can be viewed at H and B Hardware in Mayflower until the day before the bazaar. Tickets are $1 each and the drawing will be held at 11 a.m. on April 13.  

All proceeds will benefit local mission projects.

For more information, contact or 501.470.3114.