28 Jan 2010 Maumelle fitness instructor sharing his gift with others
But it’s not time to give up, and Sammy Andrews is here to help.
Andrews, 31, of Maumelle, along with colleague Leo Scott, run Central Arkansas Fitness Group, and their sole goal is to help people in the 501 get fit.
“We just want to help the community,” Andrews said. “We want to help motivate people about eating and living healthier. People can get discouraged when it comes to fitness. Our goal is to get people motivated and educate them on why they do or don’t receive results from their workouts.”
Andrews started Central Arkansas Fitness Group in November 2008. It’s not his full-time job – it’s just something he’s passionate about. Andrews runs morning and evening fitness classes in Maumelle throughout the year, while Scott runs classes in Conway.
Andrews grew up in Camden, and fitness has always been a part of his life. His cousins, Shawn and Stacy, both currently play in the NFL for the Philadelphia Eagles. Andrews has worked for several fitness centers and gyms in the 501, and he is certified in Personal Training through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and the American Sports and Fitness Association (ASFA). He is currently working on certification through the National Academy for Sports Medicine (NASM).
Andrews runs fitness classes, not to be confused with boot camps or what’s seen on “The Biggest Loser.”
“We don’t use the term ‘boot camp’ because we’re not like the drill sergeants you normally think of,” Andrews said. “We don’t talk down to you. That’s just not what we do. Our focus is to make you feel comfortable while helping you realize that it won’t be easy.
“It doesn’t matter what your fitness level is – we’re here to help you. Some people may have had trainers before that overworked them, so they’ve become discouraged with fitness. We’re trying to get people to trust trainers again. Most people that need help with their fitness are lacking courage and self-esteem because of bad past experiences. We gain trust by making the workout fun and challenging at the same time.”
Price is another difference between Andrews’ camps and other camps in the area. Andrews’ typical programs run for five weeks and cost only $75. Andrews finishes a special 10-week holiday program this month that cost $95 if the participant donated non-perishable food items to benefit programs like the Bethlehem House, a Conway homeless shelter.
“I started my own program for people who needed to work out but couldn’t afford the higher prices,” Andrews said. “We can meet people at their level of fitness – the program can be tailored for basic, intermediate and advanced groups, but we designed the price to help everyone and not just certain individuals.”
The program consists of four workouts per week, and each workout combines calisthenics, cardiovascular exercises and strength exercises. Participants are also encouraged to keep a food log during the program. He even offers a free trial workout for people new to the program.
“Fitness is important because it’s about living better and living longer,” Andrews said. “You never know who’s watching you and learning from your lifestyle. You just never know what young man or woman you could be influencing, so I think it’s important for everyone to strive for a healthier lifestyle because that creates better communities.
“Fitness is hard to maintain, especially this time of the year. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and move forward, and it’s my goal to help people do that with their fitness.”
For more information, visit www.centralarkansasfitnessgroup.com or call 501.398.1689.