16 Mar 2014 Managing stress the active way
by Karl Lenser
We all experience various amounts and forms of stress in our lives. Stress is part of life and can significantly impact your health if it becomes excessive and out of control.
Techniques that many individuals employ as stress reducers include time management, recreation, massage therapy and adequate amounts of sleep. I firmly believe that one of the best ways to minimize stress and to enhance your entire physiological system is through consistent physical activity.
Being physically fit improves your cardiovascular and muscular system and allows you to withstand the stressors that continually attack your mind and body. The enjoyment of exercise will assist you in getting an instant “happy hour” because it elevates your mood after a workout.
Physical activity will also make a positive impact on your sleep patterns and aids in reducing the negative side effects of high stress levels. It also decreases the trauma that can arise from a high stress incident.
Physical activity on a regular basis (5x/week) enhances your body’s health and will help it to handle emotional and psychological stressors that we all experience. Your body’s armor gets stronger by exercising. Those who do not engage in consistent exercise will not be able to handle the stressors as well as a fit and conditioned person.
Another benefit of being active is that exercise can reduce the impact that stress has on the aging of your cells. It’s a great way to join the “Cellular Youth Movement!”
Regular exercise can also help in making behavior changes in areas such as making healthier food choices and smoking cessation. When you start getting fit, you will start making wiser and healthier food choices for yourself and your family.
When you begin to see food as a fuel for your body, your mindset begins to change for the better. One positive change in your lifestyle can lead to other positive changes.
Stress Management Tips
Exercise. Move your body and be creative in finding ways to use your 600-plus muscles.
Sleep. 7-8 hours is ideal.
Nap. Not always a possibility, but if you have time, just a 10-15 minute nap can recharge your battery.
Church/spiritual fitness is another way to seek peace and comfort.
Friends can help when you need someone to talk to and express your feelings.
Time management. Plan ahead. Get up early enough to avoid a stressful morning. Pack your workout gear the night before. Write down appointments and events on a calendar that you regularly use.
We all undergo stress on a daily basis. The key is how you manage it and keep it from becoming a major detriment to your mental and physical health. Staying active on a regular basis can significantly help you in reducing and managing the daily stressors that you encounter.
A Conway resident, Karl Lenser is the director of wellness programs at Hendrix College. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. An accomplished runner, he can be reached at [email protected].