19 Sep 2016 LULAC/UCA name scholarship winners
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the University of Central Arkansas recently announced the recipients of LULAC/UCA 2016-2017 scholarships.
The scholarship winners are Carolina Balderas, undeclared major from Little Rock; Javier Hernandez, radiography major from Springdale; Daniela Infante, speech-language pathology major from Fort Smith; and Roberto Ramirez, nursing major from Little Rock.
“It is vitally important that we support our youth and provide them with the resources they need in order to succeed and contribute to society,” said Rey Hernandez, LULAC state director.
The scholarships are awarded based on merit to Latino-American students who have demonstrated a high potential to succeed in college and have earned good grades while attending an Arkansas high school.
“Hispanics are one of the fastest growing populations in Arkansas,” said Manny Sepulveda, the Hispanic Initiatives coordinator at UCA. “As Arkansas becomes a more diverse state, we, the institutions of higher education, help to make America stronger by preparing all our students to work in what is now a global economy.”
For more information contact Sepulveda at 501.450.3135 or [email protected].