12 Mar 2014 Little Rock Roadrunners Club to have monthly meeting
Little Rock Roadrunners Club will have its monthly meeting on Monday, March 17, at U.S. Pizza in Hillcrest, 2710 Kavanaugh Blvd. The meeting takes place in the upstairs party room at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public.
March is National Nutrition Month. Lori Dather, RDN, LD will be the speaker. She is a health and wellness program manager for Midwest Dairy Council. She speaks to coaches, athletes and athletic organizations about the benefits of nutrition for athletic performance.
In her spare time, she loves running ultra marathons, marathons and half marathons. “I’ll register for a race of just about any distance for the medal, the food and another T-shirt,” said Dather.
Little Rock Roadrunners Club meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. Members and prospective members are encouraged to attend to learn about the latest in the local running community and to be updated on club events and plans. Meetings provide a social setting to engage with old friends and make new connections.