17 Jun 2019 Leadership Conway County graduates 25 participants
The Morrilton Area Chamber of Commerce recently announced the graduation of the Leadership Conway County Class of 2018-2019.
The program brings together emerging leaders living and working across Conway County and prepares them with skills and experiences to become even better leaders. This year program participants were:
- Given an opportunity to discover and utilize their strengths
- Introduced to hidden gems across the region (Rabbit Ridge Farms, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute)
- Connected with state and local resources
- Challenged to use new information and networks to impact their community
The Leadership Conway County (LCC) program focuses on developing community trusteeship, personal efficacy and visionary strategic change. The program partners with past program participants and community leaders to help facilitate elements of the training.

The program also included a focus on learning how nonprofits and government at the state level work for residents of Conway County, including an exclusive meeting with Gov. Asa Hutchinson.
LCC Class 3 graduates, including six seniors from area high schools, are: Alicia Duncan, Ashlea Collins, Ashley Congine, Ashley Dixon, Bailey Roscoe, Ben Drilling, Carolyn Hopkins, Danny Ketcherside, Eric Birkner, Jasmine Wilson, John Doyle, Josh Howard, Kris Wilson, Liz VanDalsem, Loretta Moore, Lynn Keith, Mark Drilling, Mason Adams, Michelle Mallett, Misty Willbanks, Sophia Isely, Stephanie Lipsmeyer, Teresa Johnson, Wesley Martin and Zaiyn Wright.
LCC Participant Alicia Duncan, with Entergy Arkansas, said, “I really enjoyed it. I made great friends and I’m going to miss them – I’m not going to cry – but I am going to miss them. It was just a great opportunity.”
John Doyle, an engineer with Crow Construction, said of his participation in the class: “As a newcomer to the community, the chance to participate in this program was tremendously beneficial for learning about resources, making new friends, getting a sense of purpose and be able to put down roots in a new place. All of it was a very worthwhile experience.”
Craig Duncan, chairman of the Morrilton Area Chamber of Commerce, said, “It is incredibly refreshing to see people who do not want to simply take from a community but want to give back and serve the community. In order to have a community that will flourish into the future, it takes individuals, organizations and generations to pour back into the community.”
Anyone working or living in the county may register for Leadership Conway County by contacting the Chamber office at 501.354.2393 or stephaniel@morrilton.com. Information about Leadership Conway County is also available at morrilton.com. Participants may also be nominated by their employers or community leaders.
Class Four begins with a retreat Aug. 16-17.