Last wishes from your 501 nutritionist

by Kellie Dye

By the time you read this, I will be 1,500 miles west, starting a brand new life. It’s a big move and a big change. I know that I will miss the 501 and the wonderful people that I have known. I have written 77 total articles for 501 LIFE, and this one will be my last.

I have my clients, fellow employees and weight management group to thank for continuing to challenge and inspire me.

Writing this is bittersweet, and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to share a few parting words about nutrition and wellness.

Here are my wishes to you:

I wish that we could appreciate that food is joy and nourishment. We should not abuse it or restrict it. Guilt should never be associated with food. We should take pleasure in it, take time for it and be thankful for it.

I wish that the message of good nutrition and healthy eating would stop being so convoluted. There are no good or bad foods, or right or wrong diets. Moderation is not a popular message, but I’ve been preaching it for more than 25 years. Food should be enjoyed in moderation, which is often easier said than done. If we could focus more on moderation rather than condemning or falsely praising certain foods, eating would be a lot less complicated.

I wish that we would take the time to garden, shop, share and cook good food.

I wish that people would be more open to new foods, new flavors and new ways of preparing foods.

I wish that common sense would prevail and we would not believe everything we hear or read when it comes to nutrition and health.

I wish that we would accept and be thankful for our bodies. We are all beautiful and amazing no matter our weight or size. Your identity and awesomeness have nothing to do with your weight. The scale should never define who you are or how you should feel about your self-worth.

I wish that we can be kind to ourselves and stay positive. A healthy lifestyle is about trying to improve; it’s not about being perfect.

I wish that people cared more about what goes into their bodies as opposed to adorning the outside.

I wish that more people would give licensed nutritionists/registered dietitians a chance. We are the experts on counseling people about nutrition and health. We are trained to look at the whole YOU, not just your weight, cholesterol or blood sugar number.

This last one is not a wish but a heartfelt thank you to those of you I have known in the 501. I have learned so much from all of you, and I thank you for letting me be a small part of your world. I will miss you all!


Kellie Dye, a registered and licensed dietitian, is the wellness coordinator at the Conway Regional Health and Fitness Center. Send your diet and nutrition questions to Kellie at Frequently asked and pertinent questions will be addressed in future articles in 501 LIFE.