By Stephanie Byrnes

St. Joseph Catholic Church parishioners continue to extend a helping hand to foreign mission efforts – a tradition started nearly 20 years ago.


Each year as the leaves begin to change, the Conway church begins to anticipate its annual fall festival. Organized by the Conway chapter of Knights of Columbus, a Catholic men’s fraternal order, the festival has been held , withstanding the test of time because of the community’s deep passion for the cause.
The fall festival raises money with a silent auction, bingo, games for kids to play and a real German meal. 
When the festival began, only about $2,000 was raised, according to Connie Henze, a coordinator of the event. The festival has grown every year, she says, and this past year the festival raised nearly $7,000.
The funds help to support Holy Ghost Fathers in missions around the world, including Brazil and Mexico. In Brazil, for example, the funds help to repair boats that take missionaries up and down rivers to reach cultures that otherwise might not have access to the gospel.
The Holy Ghost Fathers have pastored St. Joseph Catholic Church since it was founded in 1879.
Connie believes that the festival has been so successful because the church understands that despite whatever economic crisis may occur, residents still have more resources in the United States than many have abroad. The Knights of Columbus is simply doing its part to create a fun way for people to share their abundance with the less fortunate countries Holy Ghost Fathers are ministering.