28 Oct 2024 Kiwanis Club of Conway installs new officers
The Kiwanis Club of Conway installed new officers on Sept. 24 and named the Kiwanian of the Year.

The local club celebrated its centennial anniversary earlier this year and is part of Kiwanis International, a service-oriented civic club comprised of volunteers. Their mission is to support children in the community.

Outgoing president Dave DeRosa was honored with a plaque and thanked for his service from 2023-24 by MO-ARK Governor-Elect Ron Hill, who is a member of the Conway club. As outgoing president, DeRosa had the privilege of choosing a Kiwanian of the Year, and he named club member Scott Sanson, who is also the treasurer of Faulkner County.

Hill then inducted incoming president Cole Schanandore, who will serve through 2025. Schanandore has been pivotal in growing the club’s largest annual fundraiser as Director of the Toad Suck Daze 10K/5K Run and Tadpole Trot.