KID OF THE MONTH: Karson Prince

Age: 3

City: Conway.

School/grade level: According to Karson, she goes to “school” at her church on Sunday. She loves her 2BC (Second Baptist Church of Conway) friends.

Family: Dad – Jeff, mom – Aimee, brother – Clay and dog – Ryce.

Favorite meal or snack: She loves to eat fruit and really just about anything you put in front of her. If you ask her what she wants for dinner she almost always replies “Bacon, I love bacon.”

Most cherished possession: Her favorite doll “Big Baby.” Yes, that’s her name. She’s almost as big as Karson and goes almost everywhere with her.

More information: Karson came into the world 2 1/2 months early, weighing just a little more than 2 pounds. Apparently she just had too much to do in this world to wait. Karson is funny and sassy but the word used most often to describe her is busy.