Junior Cotillion board named

Some of the young people participating in activities presented by the Faulkner County chapter of the National League of Junior Cotillions.

The National League of Junior Cotillions-Faulkner County Chapter Director Susan Humphries recently announced the 2019-2020 advisory board.  

Those on the board are Mrs. Josh Angeline (Lindsey), Mrs. Damian Baker (Christi), Mrs. Casey Bisek (Brandye), Mrs. Benjamin Burnsed (Ashley), Mrs. Scott Champlin (Andrea), Mrs. Chad Curran (Ashley), Mrs. Preston Davis (Liz), Mrs. Stephen Deal (Rachel), Mrs. William Fisher (Mandi), Mrs. Scott Freyaldenhoven (Beth), Mrs. Wes Holland (Keitha), Mrs. Ben Holmes (Alice), Mrs. Mathew Hoppis (Jessica), Mrs. Albert King (Sandra), Mrs. Matt Morgan (Brook), Mrs. Jerry Rye (Angela), Mrs. Hunter Scaife (Metra), Mrs. Ryan Schuetzle (Natalie), Mrs. Jason Sprague (Amie), Mrs. Scott Tallent (Ashley), Mrs. Brad Teague (Gina), Mrs. Brad Tilley (Kimberly), Mrs.  Chad Upton (Casie) and Mrs. Mark Vint (Sara).  

“I would like to publicly thank these wonderful parents for their positive support of the Junior Cotillion program,” said Humphries. 

The schedule for this season is Sept. 15, Introduction Dance; Oct. 13, Autumn Dance; Nov. 3, Thanksgiving Dance; Dec. 8, Winter Class; Jan. 12, Dip into Dancing Day; and Feb. 15, Oriental Evening Spring Ball.

The Junior Cotillion program begins its 27th season in September. Cotillion, which features etiquette and social dance training for sixth through ninth grade boys and girls, includes five classes and two semi-formal balls over a seven-month period, beginning in September.  Emphasizing etiquette and self-confidence skills, topics taught include polite conversation, greeting skills, proper introductions, first impression skills, interaction in groups, receiving lines, paying and receiving compliments, acknowledgement of gifts, sportsmanship, table manners, telephone courtesy, coats and doors, and other areas of social behavior.  

Social skills and dance instruction are presented in a humorous way to keep the children’s interest. “Our objective is to teach the lifestyles that will enable students to learn to treat other with honor, dignity and respect, for better relationships with family, friends and associates. Self-confidence comes from knowing the right way of doing things.”

The benefits for the child are an increase in self-confidence, the development of social and conversational skills, and the awareness of the importance of manners, etiquette and kindness to others. These skills are also an asset for resumes and college applications. 

Registration for any interested sixth, seventh, eighth or ninth grade child in the county area is being held for the 2019-2020 season. For more information or to register, visit nljc.com/chapter/faulknercounty.  Parents may contact Humphries at susan.humphries @nljc.com.