19 Aug 2014 JOCA: Bonding one trail at a time
Story and photos
by Callie Sterling
Jeep owners in the 501 may be interested in joining Jeep Owners of Central Arkansas.
David Starbuck founded JOCA in December 2012.
“Before JOCA there wasn’t an organization that welcomed all Jeepers,” Starbuck said. “There were Wrangler specific clubs and muddin’ clubs but not an organization for all types of Jeeps. We welcome everyone from Jeep Liberty owners to Wranglers.”
Family fun is the center of JOCA’s foundation.
“We didn’t want JOCA to be centered around getting intoxicated but wanted it to be about family instead,” Starbuck said. “It is also a Christian-oriented group.”
According to the JOCA synopsis, JOCA is not exclusively a Christian Jeep club, but the leadership within the group are of the Christian faith. Christian ideals and respectable behavior are promoted on the trail.
“When David started JOCA, I thought to myself, it will be no big deal, just a few other friends who also have Jeeps that we could go ride with,” Erin Starbuck said. “Never did I dream that it would be what it is today. We have been able to go on so many unique rides and see all the beauty that Arkansas provides.”
The concept of JOCA is all about getting outdoors and enjoying nature.
“I want kids to get outdoors more,” David said. “JOCA is a great way for parents and their children to enjoy being outside together. This generation should be reintroduced to nature without all the distractions of technology. JOCA brings the beauty of Arkansas to our kids.”
David serves as the JOCA founder and president. Richard Moffett serves as the vice president.
“We have been involved in countless community events such as Toys for Tots, Race for the Cure, disaster relief for tornado victims and a poker run where all proceeds were given to Make a Child Smile,” Erin said. “One of my favorite runs is the Trip Memorial Day Run. All the JOCA Jeep members hang blue ribbons by their Jeep’s antennas, and we ride in honor of Trip Payne. He was the son of Dallas and Haley Payne who are JOCA members. We wanted to honor his memory somehow and thought it would be a great idea to name a run in his honor.”
JOCA hosts trail rides and wrenching parties. Trail rides are hosted once a month in various locations.
According to the JOCA Facebook page, trail rides are held in a variety of locations across the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains. Any member of JOCA may post on the JOCA Facebook page and plan a trail ride. Official trail rides are hosted by the executive members of JOCA and are open to anyone and include prizes.
Wrenching parties are gatherings where members work on their Jeeps together in a fun, relaxed environment.
“Working on your Jeep is half the fun of owning one,” David Starbuck said. “We get together as needed, when there is a need and help each other out with lifts, winches, bumpers, rock rails, fender chops, etc. We always have a lot of fun modding our Jeeps.”
There are currently more than 600 members who are a part of the JOCA Facebook page. There are approximately 300 paid members of the club this year.
Any Jeep owner may join JOCA. There is a $50 annual membership fee to become an official JOCA member.
The membership fee includes two JOCA decals and a JOCA T-shirt. According to the JOCA Facebook group, JOCA does not discriminate on Jeep types, including stock Jeeps to heavily modded Jeeps.
If you’re interested in joining JOCA, you may search for their Facebook group — Jeep Owners of Central Arkansas.
“The friends we have made through JOCA have been tremendous,” Erin said. “I cannot imagine our life without these friends, and JOCA made this possible. I’m so proud of what David has created and all the hard work he and the rest of the admin team put into making this club bigger and better each day. I am honored to be such a big part of it.”