10 Apr 2017 Indian food and culture festival to be held
India Fest 2017 is planned 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 30, at the First Security Amphitheater in the River Market Pavilion in Little Rock.
The event is free.
The mission of India Fest is to bring to Arkansas the richness of the culture of India by showcasing food, art (dances, songs, instrumental music, fashion shows) and artifacts from India.
This will be a wonderful opportunity to indulge your taste buds in the authentic “Taste of India” Food Fest. There will be exhibitions that showcase prodigious talents, expose you to the admirable work of non-profits and let you purchase unique merchandise from India.
For more information, visit indiafestar.com or facebook.com/IndiaFestAR/, email [email protected] or call 501.777.8376.