19 Sep 2016 Inaugural Renewal Ranch Roundup held
About 500 people turned out and more than $11,000 was raised during the inaugural Renewal Ranch "Roundup.”
The $11,000 raised at the fundraising and awareness event will be used to help build a restoration center on the Ranch, located in Perry County. In addition, more than $1,330 was raised for ministry operation expenses.
A faith-based ministry, Renewal Ranch helps men who are battling drug and alcohol addiction.
The Roundup included pony rides, bounce houses, games, face painting, a free lunch and a dessert auction. The Ouachita Baptist University Praise Band and the New Life praise band also performed.
The event was staffed with about 100 volunteers from local churches, including Woodland Heights Baptist Church, Central Baptist Church, University Church of Christ, Southside Baptist in Damascus, Conway Cowboy Church, Family Life Bible Church, Second Baptist, The Dream Center, Bethlehem Baptist and New Life. Student ministries and athletic groups, including members of the Central Baptist College baseball and wrestling teams, also volunteered.
“Because of the many volunteers, the Renewal Ranch residents were able to attend the event and not work the event,” said Josh Kear, interim director of the Ranch. “The men were thankful to spend time in fellowship with many of the people who have supported the ministry and allowed them the opportunity to have their lives restored.”
There were nearly 40 desserts for an auction led Don Bingham. The auction raised more than $2,000 on its own and was a huge success, according to Kear. Desserts were donated by local businesses, chefs at the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion and members of local churches.
The restoration center will increase space for:
Chapel – The Ranch now has 200-plus in worship. The new facility will accommodate 500.
Dining – The current serving capacity is only 75. “We hope to accommodate 500 for meals, events and more,” Kear said.
Teaching – Fifteen pastors teach 570 hours in two semesters in limited classroom space.
Additional beds – The restoration center will add more than 20 beds to the Renewal Ranch campus, doubling the number of men who can receive help every year.
“We would like to extend special thanks to William Love from Woodland Heights Baptist Church for his vision for this event and his willingness to spearhead making it a reality,” Kear said. “We would also like to thank Baptist Health for being our title sponsor, and also Virco, First Service Bank, David’s Burgers, Ott Insurance and ACI advertising Specialties for sponsoring the event.”
For more information, visit therenewalranch.org.