13 Oct 2015 Inaugural 5K in Maumelle
The inaugural Run Like You’ve Been Stung Maumelle 5K will be held Saturday, Nov. 14.
The event was created by students in the Maumelle Middle National Honor Society and facilitated through the Maumelle Chamber of Commerce Educational Committee. Groups of business leaders mentored young trailblazers on the importance of marketing, sales, business and teamwork to create this great race. Working side-by-side with students, this fun run event is designed to promote community wellness and pride.
The 5K course begins and ends at the Maumelle High School stadium and winds through the industrial park.
Participants are invited to stay after the run for a spirited tailgate experience to show off their business pride and teamwork.
For more information, visit http://www.maumellechamber.com/event-web-apps/run-like-youve-been-stung-maumelle-5k.