25 Jun 2018 How to improve Instagram photography
by Georgie McCarthy
Photography has become a more and more important part of our lives with the growth of the social media universe.
In light of this photography edition of 501 LIFE, I thought I should share my top 5 tips on how to improve your Instagram photography. Whether you want to share your last meal, your new favorite outfit or even just a cute family moment, everyone can benefit from a few simple tips and tricks that will make you into a social media guru.

Lighting is key
If there is just one ultimate tip you need to know, it’s that lighting is the most important aspect of photography. To avoid grainy, blurry or dark photo fails, simply look for better lighting. Natural lighting is always the best, so avoid flash because it might cause you to have red eyes, shiny skin or pale skin. If it’s mid-day, opt for inside, near a window. (Mid-day lighting outside can be too harsh and cause unflattering shadows.) If you want to get outside photos, the best time to take photos is an hour before or after sunrise/sunset, aka the “golden hour.”
Wear a special outfit
If you’re in the photo, make sure you are wearing an outfit you feel amazing in. If you feel amazing, you will look more confident and happy in the photos, too. You will come off more natural rather than uncomfortable and unnatural.
Angle the camera/phone up
In order to elongate your legs and make you look tall and lean, have the person taking your photo kneel or angle the phone or camera up a bit.
Take a lot of photos
Whether you’re taking photos of food, friends or fashion, the best rule to go by is the more the merrier. Don’t rely on the first image to be the best image. (It rarely ever happens.) I take loads of photos, and then I have some options to choose from and will be more likely to have a winning image in the bunch.
Experiment with editing
If you’re feeling brave enough, try editing your photo to make it even better. Use editing apps, like VSCO Cam, for great filters and to change simple things like contrast, exposure and cropping. I recommend just experimenting until you come up with the perfect editing combination.
Next time you’re taking an Instagram or Facebook photo to share with all your family and friends, remember my little tips, and hopefully your photo will be social media gold. Check out my social media and some of my tips in action on Instagram at @thestyletransplant and on Facebook at The Style Transplant.