31 Mar 2024 Hiring opportunities
The Pulaski County Special School District is committed to providing a quality and equitable education to all students, and this includes finding highly qualified and committed staff. In addition to teachers and substitutes, PCSSD is always hiring for support staff positions, including bus drivers, student nutrition staff, paraprofessionals, office staff and more.

Pulaski County Special School District is student-centered in every area of employment across the district and offers a family-oriented work environment for all of our employees.
“Our schools and district offices provide supportive administration and provide an excellent benefits package,” said Dr. Yolaundra Williams, assistant superintendent for human resources at PCSSD. “We also employ a diverse staff that mimics our student population so that students see themselves in every role within PCSSD.”
PCSSD works with new teachers through its novice mentor teacher program to help them grow in the profession. This program pairs new teachers with a veteran teacher and hosts regular check-in sessions over the course of their first three years with the district. Programs like this help our new hires feel welcome and comfortable in the classroom.
“Employees are surrounded by a supportive and informative team at our district office,” Dr. Williams added. “If you work in the schools in any capacity, you’ll encounter encouraging school administrators and fellow staff members. Our parents are very engaged in our schools, and we value their input and participation in student success.”

There are also plenty of opportunities for growth within our district, whether it’s a current support staff employee working toward becoming a teacher, a teacher advancing into a leadership role or growth within our support staff departments like student nutrition, maintenance and security. Are you the right fit for PCSSD?
“An ideal candidate to work with us in PCSSD would be one who is student-centered, knowing that a student’s success should be the ultimate goal in our job,” Dr. Williams explained. “We also love to hire life-long learners and people who are data-focused—no matter your area of expertise.”
There are current job openings in the Maumelle feeder for custodians, paraprofessionals, teachers, bus drivers and more. All job openings and the application can be found at pcssd.org/careers. Applications are reviewed by hiring managers before setting up interviews with an interview committee. If a person rises to the top, then they are recommended to the School Board for approval.

PCSSD is hosting a career expo on April 20 at Mills University Studies High School from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the District and openings across all schools, including our Maumelle feeder schools—Crystal Hill Elementary, Oak Grove Elementary, Pine Forest Elementary, Maumelle Middle and Maumelle High. For more information about the expo, please visit pcssd.org/careerexpo24.