18 Mar 2016 Heber Springs Teen Recruiters Participate in #ispeakhope
The nonprofit organization Teen Recruiters and acclaimed songwriter Brenda O’Brien are teaming up once again for “#ispeakhope”.
Teen Recruiters encourages teens to give back to their community. The group’s Speak Life Program was developed to spread kindness before bullying.
Teen Recruits teamed up with O’Brien in August in Heber Springs to spread the message of “Unite Against Bullying” with a free concert designed to inspire and encourage local youth.
Raised upstairs from the famous Plantation Inn Nightclub, O’Brien’s musical roots run deep. Recently, she began using her musical talent and songwriting skills as an avenue to increase social awareness around causes she passionately supports. Working alongside Pam Tillis and Kris Thomas, O’Brien successfully wrote and recorded the song “Two Kings” as a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and Elvis Presley. O’Brien’s latest hit, “Remember,” encourages children to believe in themselves and follow their own paths.
Teen Recruiters and O’Brien are appealing to people around the world to join the new hashtag campaign by writing on their hands words of encouragement and how they would want people to feel when they too “speak hope,” take a photo to post on social media and add the hashtag #ispeakhope.
The campaign is calling for people around the world to realize that every spoken word has immense power and that words do matter. Every word has an effect on others and by speaking hope and using positive words individuals will be encouraging and strengthening others.
For more information, contact Barbara Owens 501.238.2413 or [email protected], or Brenda O’Brien at 561.504.1339 or [email protected].