22 Mar 2016 Gray is here to stay
by Donna Benton
Photos by Rita Treece
Recently, I sat down to talk color with Niki Thompson. She and her husband, Rory, own ReHome which restores and re-imagines homes that have passed their prime.
I was excited to get the advice of this very talented lady, a purveyor of design style and trends in the 501. I wanted to know what’s hot and what advice she would give to someone trying to transition to a new color in their home.
According to Niki, gray is the new “it” color. Many are changing from browns and beiges to the “new neutral.”
Niki praises the versatility of gray. “There is a gray that will go with nearly every accent color, so your favorite pieces will probably work with gray.”
She also recommended some favorite no-fail grays and complementary colors to pair with gray.
Donna Benton is a maker of customr home furnishings and specializes in classic painted finishes for antique and vintage furniture. You can see her work at WaterHouseMarket.com.