19 Jul 2016 Funky Frugal: Writing on the walls
by Tanner Cangelosi
I’m so forgetful. It’s probably a combination of my brain and the six children under my charge. So important things, reminders, verses, etc., are about the last thing on my mind when I walk into a room and forget why I went there in the first place. Why did I come in here? Wait, what was I just writing? I lost my place.
In order to remind myself daily of the things that truly matter, I have to write it on my walls. Literally. Writing on the walls. Or on canvas.
This is my simple solution to keep important things the important things.
So when the triplets sneak into the bathroom to unravel all the toilet paper and play in the toilet water and I find them and PANIC as I’m reaching for a towel to wipe off one (and then another quickly licks her hand) — instead of passing out, I see on my wall, “Children are a blessing from the Lord” and “Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.” Such simple truth is so easily lost in day-to-day life.
Putting what’s important right in front of my face is the only way I’ve found to remember it in the heat of the moment.
In your home, first choose a quote or scripture or even a song that has been meaningful to you. If this isn’t something you’d like to try free hand, then grab a projector from a teacher friend or a stencil at Hobby Lobby. You can always practice beforehand as many times as you want. Even hiring an amateur artist to help could be a good solution.
Next, choose your wall and your color scheme. You can always find letter inspiration on Pinterest. Be creative. Get your acrylic paint and crisp stencil paint brushes at your local craft store. Find the center of your wall and tape off your area.
Finally, write your quote and be encouraged as you walk through your day and are reminded of what is truly important to you — even if your triplets are playing in the toilet. This will add character and charm to your home in a very inspirational kind of way.