24 Mar 2012 FUNKY FRUGAL: Glam master plan
by Tanner Cangelosi
My husband and I recently celebrated our sixth anniversary on New Year’s Eve.
Instead of buying each other small gifts, he was gracious enough to let me add a little glam to our drab bedroom.
Don’t get me wrong, our bedroom was cute before, but I needed a little more drama. I knew that I would be spending a lot of time in our room with a new baby, and so I began this project.
To begin, I went to my new idea research center: pinterest.com. After “researching” in my spare time, I made a grouping of photos of master bedrooms with glam that had probably been done by high-end designers. The things I knew I wanted to add in my room were curtains, a new headboard and bed base.
So, I headed to Hobby Lobby for more inspiration. While I was there, I stumbled upon curtains for $16 a panel (on sale). I loved the color and the rich texture. They are faux silk; I love the look without the large price tag.
Next, I headed to Home Depot to match the paint color to my new curtains. I also purchased some lovely curtain rods, which were a bit pricy, but I really wanted the certain look they gave. When I found a metallic paint that matched my curtain panel color exactly, I was elated. After I purchased these items, I raced home to get started.
That evening my husband helped me hang the curtains in place and move a few furniture pieces around. When hanging curtains, make sure that the bottom hem just brushes the floor. This makes your drapes look custom. We were able to hang these curtains right below the ceiling, which gives the room more drama and makes the ceiling look higher than it is.
Drama mama
Paint $40
Curtains $80
Curtain Rods $150
Bed $500
TOTAL $770
We also have one wall with three windows (one being the French door), so I had my friend, Secret Stacy, take one curtain panel and cut it in half and hem the edge. This helped save money in buying another panel and saved on space on our wall when the curtains were not drawn.
Next, I knew I would use my new metallic paint to spice up my room with a “new headboard.” I did an Internet search of headboards and found a shape I liked. I traced it on a transparency and used an overhead projector to display the image on my wall. I then traced the image on my wall and began painting. It took two coats of paint for the right look.
I also painted the old table/headboard that is about 30 years old with the same metallic paint. While I had my brushes and roller out, I painted a side table and a few mismatched picture frames with the same paint. This brought some unity to some eclectic furniture. Finally, I painted our monogram on the headboard with white paint.
The last piece I wanted to add was the Stratford bed I had seen in A Pottery Barn magazine. I loved the look and function of this bed with drawers underneath. On the other hand, I couldn’t afford the $3,000 price tag for the bed and shipping. So I asked a dear friend, Tommy Neely, if he would build the bed for us. He is so sweet; he built the bed and delivered it to our doorstep and would only let me pay him for the materials! Wow. Talk about a blessing to have good friends. I hope that I am a friend to others like he is to us.
The final product was a room with a little more glam. I was really pleased with how the room turned out, and now I can sit back and enjoy my dramatic master bedroom.