FUNKY FRUGAL: Be true to your school

1.  Fan Frocks.
On Facebook, I found this sweet girl, Chelsea Silvestri, who has made her own business turning old T-shirts into dresses that are just too cute for words. I ordered one for myself ($48) for the UCA Bear games, and I love it. She takes your measurements and custom makes you a frock that won’t disappoint you! 
I had a chance to talk with Chelsea and this is what she had to say:

501: Who taught you to sew?
My mother taught me to sew. She used to sew clothes for my twin sister and me when we were younger. We were always matching.  (As true Southern girls should.)

501: Where did you get the idea for the shirts?
I used to love cutting up my T-shirts and wearing them to tailgates. My aunt gave me the idea of actually sewing dresses out of the shirts. A couple of years ago, I did my own and wore it to a game. Since then, I have done many for friends and my mother. I have made some as graduation gifts.
In May, I made the Facebook “Fan Frock” page. Ever since, I have been very busy with people sending me their shirts to be embellished into a custom-made fan frock.

501: How would you describe yourself?
I would describe myself as a very artsy and creative person. I have always loved to create things and always have some sort of random project that I am doing.

501: Where do most of your orders come from?
Most orders come from people on Facebook. I get many University of Arkansas and UCA orders. I have also been receiving many from other schools around the U.S. including high schools, colleges, NFL, MLB, etc.
Chelsea’s creativity will definitely be the highlight of my football season. I love that she can take something old and make it into something so sassy!

2.  Display your devotion as art.

You heard me right, put your mascot on your wall as a work of art. I sell custom hogs, or you could try your hand at doing it yourself.  There is nothing like a Razorback or the fight song hanging proudly for everyone to see! 
I believe you can do it…just go for it!

3. Create a chalkboard devoted to your team.
If you already have a chalkboard, use that. If you don’t, the cheapest way to make a few (you could make some gifts) is go to Home Depot and buy a 4-foot by 8-foot thin piece of plywood ($20), and they will cut it for you however you want for free. 
Get some chalkboard paint and a roller (make sure you have the paint department shake your paint before you go home).  Roll on the chalkboard paint to your plywood…and presto! 
You have chalkboards ready for game schedules! (For $35, you can make eight 2-foot by 2-foot chalkboards. Your friends can thank you later!)