24 Aug 2015 First Security Bank recognized for social media
Social media is now a main stream communication channel that consumers and small businesses across the nation utilize daily. The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) is proud to highlight outstanding community banks and community bankers who make social media an integral part of their marketing and communications strategy.
ICBA recently released its Top 50 Community Bank Leaders in Social Media. This is the third year the association has held this contest, which was sponsored by Shazam and highlights social media trailblazers among the community bank industry.
First Security Bank was featured on the list.
“Congratulations to First Security Bank for being featured on ICBA’s Top 50 Community Bank Leaders in Social Media list,” said ICBA Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Chris Lorence. “These top community banks understand that building a reputable financial brand goes beyond just a physical presence on Main Street. They consistently introduce fresh content and interact with their customers both in-person and online. ICBA is proud to highlight First Security Bank for making social media and digital communications part of their overall marketing and communications strategy.”
More than 6,000 community banks throughout the nation were eligible to be part of ICBA’s list. ICBA sought nominations from the nation’s community banks from May to June and received nearly 300 nominations. Community banks were scored based on their engagement with fans and followers, the content distributed on their social media platforms, the number of followers they have and the frequency of posting new content.
The community banks and community bankers featured on ICBA’s Top 50 Community Bank Leaders in Social Media and the Top 25 Community Bank Influencers on Twitter will be profiled in September’s issue of ICBA Independent Banker, an award-winning magazine.
“First Security Bank is pleased to be featured on ICBA’s Top 50 Community Bank Leaders in Social Media list,” said Kristi Thurmon, marketing officer at First Security Bank. “It is an honor for us to be recognized by ICBA for our efforts on social media because we see it as a unique, essential and vital channel for communicating with our customers and community. First Security Bank’s presence on social media and on OnlyInArk.com has strengthened ties with our communities and customers.”
To view all 50 community banks featured, visit icba.org/smleaders. For additional information about ICBA, visit icba.org.