Financial help sought for proposed school

The deadline for raising the start-up funds is drawing near for a proposed school in Conway for children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

The school lacks a significant portion of the necessary funding, according to director Courtney Williams. “We need an additional $125,000 to be pledged within the next few days to make this happen in the fall of 2015. Otherwise we will be planning for a January 2016 startup,” said Williams.  

“A location has been identified, teachers are ready for a contract, student applications are in hand and we’ve received amazing gifts in the form of student desks and other furnishings.

Once the remainder of the funds are obtained, a firm opening date will be set. The pledges and checks received have been exciting, and several other individuals and corporations have indicated they plan to support us, but we really need to firm those intentions up soon to meet our objectives.”

For more information, call 501.581.1070.