Faulkner Co. Library presents Unwind the Mind, Body and Soul

The Faulkner County Library will present Unwind the Mind, Body and Soul, a one hour relaxation class led by Leigh Ann Warriner at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28.

The class will focus on relaxation breathing techniques, movements designed to encourage fluidity and lessening tension in the joints, guided meditations and self massage.  Those attending the class should wear loose fitting clothing and bring a yoga mat, beach towel or quilt.  The class is open to all, ages 18 and over.  For more information you are welcome to contact Leigh Ann at oasismassage7@gmail.com.

Leigh Ann Warriner is a licencsed massage therapist (LMT) and owner/operator of Oasis Massage Therapy. This is a third career for Leigh Ann after having worked in the savings & loan industry and in healthcare as a medical office manager.  It was a combination of working with patients, observing care givers and helping to care for her mother who lived 14 years with Alzhemier’s disease that she realized she had a "call" to care for people on a closer level.  After leaving healthcare she took a three month break to discern how best to answer the call and soon found herself enrolled in Toucing America School of Massage. One year later she opened her practice Oasis Massage Therapy and now has two partners Anna Nabholz Bowden, LMT and Paige Tolin, LMT.  Leigh Ann has a special interest in helping clients find safe, natural and healthy ways of handling and releasing stress.  

All library events are free and open to the public.  For more information, call the library at 501.327.7482 or email Nancy@gcl.org, Facebook and Twitter.