17 Sep 2017 Editor’s Note October ’17: Pink Night lends a helping hand
If there is one thing we all have in common in the 501 and beyond, it’s our health.
Too many times, it’s something we take for granted when all is well and we are busy, going about our lives. But when something isn’t right and we get a bad report at a doctor’s visit, or someone we know is sick, it can knock the wind out of our sails.
As we were preparing for our annual “Health and Wellness” issue this month, my thoughts were of Tina MacNamara, a brave and energetic woman of faith who was featured in last October’s edition. Tina was selected last year to receive proceeds from the annual Pink Night fundraiser sponsored by the Conway High School Volleyball Team, coaches and parents.
Tina was in her second battle with breast cancer. She was humbled to learn that she would be the recipient from Pink Night and eager to do her part to ensure its success for years to come.
As she and I sat in a quiet room in Buzz Bolding Arena, she shared with me her breast cancer journey. I was struck by her courage and determination as well as her deep love for her family and affection for others. She loved life and those around her.
Tina became an active participant in the Pink Night efforts and was insistent that she would be helping again this year. It was sad when I heard the news this summer that she had passed away.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Tina’s family and friends. What a dear, sweet person.
Tina’s legacy lives on as Pink Night organizers hope to “be Tina” this year and deliver that same hard work and determination to help someone else in need.
This year’s event – planned 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28, at Buzz Bolding Arena – will benefit Savannah Westover. Only 13 years old, Savannah was diagnosed in May with osteosarcoma, a rare type of bone cancer.
As Pink Night founder Coach Andrea Fournier points out, Savannah’s age and her illness hit close to home for the coaches, parents and players. While most young people’s thoughts are about school and friends, Savannah’s are probably focused on treatment and how it affects her body. “Those are things you shouldn’t be worried about,” Andrea said. We couldn’t agree more.
We extend our best wishes to Savannah and her family, and are proud to recognize those involved with Pink Night. We hope 501 LIFE readers will lend a hand, helping those in need.
Until next month, here’s to “Loving LIFE” in the 501.