17 Dec 2017 Editor’s Note January ’18: Celebrating ‘firsts’ in the 501
As we say goodbye to 2017 and usher in a new year, 501 LIFE is all about “Celebrating firsts” in this month’s edition.
The first of the year is an exciting time as it represents something new and fresh. When the calendar rolls around to Jan. 1, we are reminded that what will follow is 365 days representing new opportunities to make plans and pursue dreams
That same type of excitement is found in other firsts – the first day of school, that first car, a first job, etc.
With the first of a new year, we thought it would be interesting to look at memorable “firsts,” and asked members of our editorial boards for their ideas and suggestions. Our path led to some really sweet stories about first dates that have taken place at the Rialto Theater in Downtown Searcy.
The exterior of the Rialto was recently restored, and it makes the perfect backdrop for the cover of this issue. The theater is a true 501 treasure, and we applaud the efforts being made to restore the historic landmark.
We were delighted to visit with Dianne and Mike Hutsell (Pages 38-39) as they shared their special memories of the Rialto, where they went on their first date. The theater still holds a special place in their hearts, and they’ve shared it not only with their children, but now their grandchildren. We are thankful they are sharing their story with 501 LIFE, too.
As we say goodbye to 2017, we are also appreciative of the continued support we receive from our wonderful advertisers, editorial boards and contributors. Thank you!
Until next month, here’s to a great year in 2018 and “Loving LIFE” in the 501!