Editor’s Note

  • March is the most hopeful month of the year for me. After months of brown landscape and leafless trees, green shoots begin growing and we see daffodil...

  • Each generation is given a moniker to describe the group’s overall behaviors. A generation is marked about every 20 years, with our newest humans refe...

  • I’m not offended if you call me nosy. As editor of 501 LIFE Magazine, I’m in the business of learning about people, companies, nonprofits and communit...

  • Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year because it has something for everyone—am I right? The gift of the Christ child gives meaning to our s...

  • The festival included a dunking booth, a cake walk and simple games. For $1 or less, your name was entered into a drawing to win one of several prizes...

  • I met the most delightful lady while working on this issue. Marian Berry, pictured above with “Stan the Man” as she affectionately calls him, has volu...

  • If I climbed into the passenger seat of five cars and asked them to turn on some music, I would likely hear five different genres of music. But even t...

  • We are kicking off August with our “Making the Grade” issue, and our team of writers has collected positive stories from around the 501 to share with ...

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