03 Feb 2020 Donations of toiletries sought
Methodist Family Health is seeking donations of toothpaste and body wash to help their kids start the day fresh. Toothpaste should be in any regular size and body wash should be in 18- to 22-ounce bottles.
Donations to purchase these items can be made at MethodistFamily.org/Donate or by texting GIVE to 501.881.2258. Checks can be sent to Methodist Family Health Foundation, P.O. Box 56050, Little Rock, AR 72215. To make a secure and confidential donation over the phone using a credit or debit card, call 501.906.4201.
Visit Methodist Family at 1600 Aldersgate Rd., Suite 100, Little Rock, to drop off items or monetary contributions between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. every Monday and Friday. Items can also be shipped directly through Amazon.com.