18 Jun 2018 Debbie Fowler book-signing June 23
Meet local author Debbie Fowler at a book-signing at the Faulkner County Library at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 23.
Have you ever wondered what happened to your family car after it passed out of your family? Debbie Fowler knows. She is the author of “’62 Chevy: an Auto-Biography.” Come and find out what fate may have had in store for your old car.
Debbie Fowler spent most of her life in Conway. A graduate of St. Joseph High School, she started writing in her 40s, when the Log Cabin Democrat asked for submissions about old Downtown Conway. She is a constant observer and recorder of The Most Famous Generation—the Baby Boomers. Debbie and her husband live near Mountain Home. You can read her blog here: easilyamusedroadrunners.com.
All library events are free and open to the public.
For more information, call the library at 501.327.7482 or email [email protected].