DBS chapter receives awards

The Phi Delta chapter of Delta Beta Sigma sorority recently attended convention in Hot Springs, where the Conway group was recognized for its community service.

Members who attended the convention were Katie Osborn, chapter president; Emma Freeman, vice president; Toni Hardin, recording secretary; Hailey Oosterloo, corresponding secretary; Alexis Bibbs, treasurer; Jessica Ferguson, parliamentarian; Brooke Mobbs, pledge mistress;  Emyle Moore, philanthropy chair; Shelby Hogue, convention chair; and Danielle Salerno.

At the convention, members attended workshops on officer training, philanthropy and fundraising. They also had an opportunity to meet with girls from different chapters.   

On the last night of convention, members attended an awards banquet where the Phi Delta chapter took home awards for most scholastic, outstanding chapter, the charity award and friendliest chapter. Macy Stone also received the best treasurer award.  

The chapter raised more than $20,000 for the group’s national charity, Make A Wish.

This year, the group hopes to raise even more money for the organization’s national charity, St. Jude, along with their local charity, the Drake Everett Walker Foundation. 

The Delta Beta Sigma Sorority raises money for charities as well as volunteers throughout the community.

