Couples: The Pettits

HER   Christy Pettit

Where did you grow up: Little Rock.

Education: Hall High School; graduate of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Job: Agent with Shelter Insurance, Maumelle.

Parents: Steve and Ann Berry of Ferndale.

Community activities: Maumelle Kiwanis Club; previously was involved with a group called RAPMinistries (unfortunately they are no longer active).

Church activities: Attend The Church at Rock Creek; participate in their various Life groups. I love the women’s ministry, Thrive!

Hobbies/special interests: Spending time with my dogs, Razorbacks, traveling, movies, exercise and outdoor activities, such as Pinnacle Mountain or Two Rivers Park.

How would you describe yourself: Outgoing, adventurous, compassionate.

Favorite restaurant in the 501: Depends on the type of cuisine, but I prefer to eat local! Some of my favorites are Sam’s Pizza Pub in Hot Springs, Big Orange, Local Lime and Vesuvio Bistro.
Most enjoyed weekend activity: Spending time with my husband, family and friends.

Favorite quote: “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” — Mark Evans, pastor at Rock Creek

What do you love about living in the 501: Location.

HIM   Kevin Pettit

Native of: Coy (Lonoke County).

Where did you grow up: Coy.

Education: England High School; graduate of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Job: Outside sales for Falk Supply.

Parents: Jerry and Kathy Pettit of Coy.

Community activities: FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes); volunteer coach for Arkansas Baptist Elementary (past 12 years).

Church activities: Attend The Church at Rock Creek; participate in various Life groups and Man Church.

Hobbies/special interests: Sports.
How would you describe yourself: What you see is what you get.

Favorite restaurant in the 501: Big Orange, Sam’s Pizza Pub in Hot Springs and Vesuvio Bistro.

Most enjoyed weekend activity: Razorback football and spending time with family and friends.

Favorite quote: “Those who think they can and those who think they can’t are both right.” — Henry Ford

What do you love about living in the 501: Location.


City: Little Rock

How we met: Through a mutual friend who gave Kevin my phone number. We met face to face at the Arkansas vs. LSU game in 2008.

Wedding bells: Oct. 20, 2012, Central Park, New York City.

Children: Only four-legged ones for now.

Pets: Maggie (Shepherd/Labrador mix) and Mac (Black Labrador). Both are considered rescues.

Family activities enjoyed together: Just about anything because we always have fun together. Some of our activities include physical fitness, outdoors, travel and movies.