01 Apr 2013 Counseling Associates earns CARF accreditation
Counseling Associates, Inc. (CAI) recently received a report from CARF announcing a three-year accreditation award.
“This was by far the most outstanding report that we have received,” said Steve Newsome, CEO at Counseling Associates. “The surveyors were very complimentary in the exit conference and were even more so in their report.”
Counseling Associates Inc. is a non-profit community mental health center which provides a wide array of behavioral health services in six counties in west central Arkansas which include Faulkner, Conway, Perry, Pope, Johnson and Yell. CAI is the first community mental health center in Arkansas to be CARF accredited in 1995 and has maintained national CARF accreditation for 18 years.
Dr. Brian Boon, president/CEO of CARF, said, “CAI services, personnel and documentation clearly indicate an established pattern of practice excellence. Strengths include a positive work and service environment, professional and focused staff members who thoroughly enjoy working at CAI.
“CAI is viewed as an integral part of the community as a provider of quality services and is noted as an organization with great integrity with positive lines of communication and excellent leadership.”
The work of CAI’s safety committee and the work/role of the CAI consumer council were also complimented.
Newsome said, “We have never had so many areas that had “no recommendations.” These included strategic planning, legal requirements, financial planning and management, rights of persons served, performance measurement/management, performance improvement, case management, community integration, crisis intervention, out of home treatment, outpatient treatment (mental health and substance abuse services), and children and adolescents.
There were a few recommendations that require a corrective action plan which will be submitted back to CARF within 90 days.
Newsome expressed appreciation to the 200-plus staff members of CAI for their outstanding job in preparing for this survey.
“CARF’s findings and complimentary remarks certainly affirm that we are a high quality provider of behavioral health,” said Newsome. “We and our board know this, but this confirmation from an experienced CARF team means a great deal. Our next survey will be in March 2016.”