25 Dec 2017 Conway’s College Avenue nominated for historic list
The State Review Board of the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program nominated 14 Arkansas properties in eight counties — including the College Avenue Historic District at Conway in Faulkner County — to the National Register of Historic Places when it met Dec. 6.
The College Avenue Historic District includes the south side of the 1600 through 1900 blocks and north side of the 1800 block of College Avenue in Conway.
“The most dominant style characteristic of the houses in the district is Craftsman,” according to the National Register nomination. “Period Revival style influence is seen in the Spanish Revival character of the houses at 1838 and 1840 College Ave. English Revival details are seen on the houses at 1814 and 1839 College Ave. Minimal Traditional style lack of ornamentation and close-rake eaves are expressed in two houses in the district. One Mixed-Masonry style house with stone walls trimmed in brick is located in the College Avenue Historic District.”
Other properties nominated to the National Register are Arkansas Teachers Association Headquarters Building and Professional Service Building at Little Rock in Pulaski County; Greenwood School at Hot Springs in Garland County; R.L. Leach Grocery Store at Dutch Mills in Washington County; Robert Wanslow House, Fitzgerald Historic District and Elmwood Cemetery at Fort Smith in Sebastian County; Green Valley Homestead at Sturkie in Fulton County; Highfill School at Highfill in Benton County; Gentry Grand Army of the Republic Monument at Gentry in Benton County; Johnny Cash Boyhood Home at Dyess in Mississippi County; Blytheville Air Force Base Strategic Arms Command (SAC) Alert and Weapons Storage Areas Historic District at Blytheville in Mississippi County and Sherman Mound in Mississippi County.
The board listed Edwards Chapel at Russellville in Pope County, Lafayette School Gymnasium at Camden in Ouachita County, Lake June at Stamps in Lafayette County and Captain Daniel Matthews House at Osceola in Mississippi County for listing on the Arkansas Register of Historic Places. The Arkansas Register recognizes historically significant properties that do not meet National Register requirements.
For more information on the National Register of Historic Places program, write the AHPP at 1100 North St., Little Rock, AR 72201, call the agency at 501.324.9880, email [email protected] or visit arkansaspreservation.org.