25 Feb 2018 Conway Regional seeks applicants for M*A*S*H
Conway Regional Health System is taking applications for its second annual MASH (Medical Applications of Science for Health) program for high school students.
“Our staff is excited about the opportunity to share the world of healthcare with these students. I think it is awesome for these young people to choose to spend part of their summer investing in their future. This is something that looks great on a college application and is the initiative I look for in future employees,” said Angie Longing, RN, chief nursing officer. “Last year, we participated in the one-week CHAMPS program and it drew high school students from as far away as Rogers. We are looking forward to holding the two-week MASH program this year and providing the students with an even more fulfilling educational experience.”
The MASH program will be held July 23-Aug. 3 at the medical center, located at 2302 College Ave.
The two-week summer day camp introduces high school juniors and seniors to the practical application of scientific theories and concepts to real life health careers, diagnoses and treatment scenarios.
During the camp, students will participate in hands-on activities including dissection, casting/suturing and earning certification in CPR.
Students will also interact with health professionals in family and internal medicine, nursing, pharmacology, laboratory sciences, physical/occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, radiation therapy, kinesiology, ophthalmology and others.
While there is no cost for students accepted into the program, it is limited to 30 students determined competitively based on academic, community service and other criteria. For more information about criteria or an application, visit conwayregional.org/classes/mash.
Applications are also available at the Conway Regional Health Foundation, located at 631 Western Ave.
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 30.
The Conway Regional MASH program is being hosted by the Conway Regional Women’s Council and is being offered in partnership with UAMS and the Arkansas Farm Bureau. For more information, please contact Conway Regional MASH Program Coordinators Lori Reynolds at 501.513.5800 or [email protected] or Trista Spence at 501.691.5876 or [email protected].