19 Jun 2017 Conway Regional donates AED
Conway Regional Health System has donated an automated external defibrillator (AED) to the Twin Groves Volunteer Fire Department.
The fire department serves a large, rural area surrounding the town of Twin Groves in northwestern Faulkner County, including parts of Cadron Creek.
“We are humbled by your gift,” Namon Goff told Conway Regional President and CEO Matt Troup. “It’s nice to have an AED, and we hope we don’t have to use it.” Goff is both Twin Groves’ fire chief and mayor.
An AED is a device about the size of a laptop computer that analyzes the heart’s rhythm for any abnormalities and, if necessary, directs the rescuer to deliver an electrical shock to the victim. This shock, called defibrillation, may help the heart to reestablish an effective rhythm of its own. A defibrillator is the only known device/technique that stops chaotic electrical heart activity to allow the heart to re-pace itself to a normal rhythm.
The Twin Groves AED was purchased through the Conway Regional Health Foundation using funds donated by Conway Regional employees during a recent campaign. “Our employees are very generous and I’m honored to be able to pass this AED along to your community,” said Troup. Conway Regional also plans to offer training in the proper use of the AED to the volunteers.
Conway Regional has donated 57 other AEDs to schools, ballparks, fitness centers and law enforcement throughout Faulkner County since 2008. Each AED costs about $2,000.
The AEDs are funded through the Conway Regional Health Foundation. For more information, visit conwayregional.org/about-us/foundation.