04 Feb 2018 Conway Ministry Center opens warming station
The Conway Ministry Center (CMC), in conjunction with the Homeless Task Force of Conway, is providing a warming station at its facility until Wednesday, Feb. 28. An evening meal and cots are provided for men, women and families.
“About a thousand hours in planning and preparation, in the city’s homeless task force, mayor’s office, fire department and many of our local churches, went into the warming station before we even opened the door; and a few thousand dollars too,” said Conway Ministry Center Executive Director Spring Hunter. “Everyone associated with this project has known this was the right thing to do, but the severity of our efforts became a sobering reality when we learned that a man had frozen to death in front of a business in Fort Smith in December. That horrible eventuality is what we’re fighting against here in Conway.” Conway’s Homeless Task Force was commissioned by Mayor Bart Castleberry to address the needs of the homeless population.
The board will provide advice and guidance to the mayor regarding homelessness and other related tasks as needed. The committee consists of members of the community involved in assisting the homeless. “This will sound kind of like an Oscar acceptance speech, but there really are a host of individuals and agencies that have made the warming station a possibility,” Hunter said. “Of course, the agencies on the task force had a major role for months in seeing the station through to opening. Some went above and beyond as we received blankets from CAPCA and hygiene items from Bethlehem House.
The United Way of Central Arkansas provided the funds for us to provide a small stipend to Ryan, our live-in manager. The Women’s Shelter launders our blankets and linens twice a week, and they do pick-up and delivery. COHO has been providing staffing as needed. “Our city has been instrumental in making the warming station a reality. The task force brought our plan to the mayor and he was immediately supportive.
He worked with our fire department to make sure our facility was a safe place for people to stay. And it was actually firefighters who installed our smoke detectors. We’ve also received help from our police department since we opened.
“The churches in our city have been amazing as well. Twelve churches have committed to serve dinner and provide male and female volunteers that stay awake through the night. One Church converted their summer-mission-trip shower trailer and left it on the property for the duration. St. Joseph Catholic Church provided much-needed financial assistance to prepare the building for occupants.
“It seems like the whole city is behind this. We received donations from Lipsmeyer Demolition, Klaasmeyer Construction, Conway Corp and several individuals. We’ll get a grant from the Adcock Foundation as well. Cajun Brothers Furniture provided a twin bed for our manager, and the Salvation Army has donated bedding, towels and washcloths.
“The list of donors and volunteers is long and so I’m not positive I’ve included them all. I just hope everyone knows how very grateful we are,” Hunter said. Anyone wishing to learn more about Conway’s Homeless Task Force can visit cityofconway.org/committees/homeless-taskforce- committee/.
Those who wish to support the Winter Warming Station as a volunteer or donor can call the Conway Ministry Center at 501.358.6098 to learn more about those opportunities. For more information on the CMC or its community based programming, visit conwayministrycenter.org.