Conway Ministry Center names Hunter new director

The Conway Ministry Center recently announced Spring Hunter as the new executive director. Spring has been with the CMC since its inception in 2014. She has primarily worked in the role of case manager and client advocacy but has also been a pillar in building the community organization and making it what it is today.

Spring loves her community and has worked tirelessly to expand resources and programming to the hurting, homeless and broken.

In addition, the center has seen growth in other areas. Mike Rush and Laura King have both assumed new roles with the Conway Ministry Center and three new staff members – Candy Davids, Sarah Wilson and Patrick Bowen – have been added to help fulfill growing needs in other areas of the agency.

Mike Rush is now the director of operations and has been with the CMC since 2014. He started doing custodial work and has ventured in to everything from grant writing to serving as facilities manager. In his new role, Mike will be taking care of the CMC residents, financial administration responsibilities and all things operations.

Laura King has assumed the role of director of development and public relations. Laura started at the center in June 2016 as a volunteer and has been the storehouse director since that time. In January, she became part of the staff and began to build the center’s social media and web-based outreach.

Laura has embraced the mission of the CMC. She desires to see all areas of the community working together for those that need it most. Laura will now be able to spend more time with community partners, building new relationships and continuing to spread the message and work of the CMC.

Candy Davids is the new storehouse manager. Candy retired from Glenhaven Youth Ranch in 2014 and has volunteered with the CMC since that time. She has served specifically at the storehouse since September 2016.

Sarah Wilson is the new case manager and will be overseeing the Restore and Rapid Re-Housing programs. She has a background in criminal justice and education. Sarah desires to serve hurting people and has already been doing that through special needs education, child advocacy and volunteering at the storehouse pantry.

Patrick Bowen has come on staff as the maintenance manager. Patrick brings with him years of carpentry and maintenance experience along with a desire to interact and work with the disadvantaged in the community. He spent many years overseas on the mission field and is currently a music minister. Patrick has a heart to serve and has already been a great help at the CMC.

The Conway Ministry Center has entered a stage of exciting growth, expanded programming and new community outreach. Please visit to find out more about the ministry and programming.